In-vitro ADME

Our In-Vitro ADME services are pivotal for early-stage drug discovery, providing critical insights into the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of compounds. We employ a suite of state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies, including:
Physicochemical Screening

Physicochemical Screening

Utilizing kinetic and thermodynamic methods, we assess solubility in biorelevant media (FaSGF, FaSSIF, FeSSIF) and PBS, alongside stability studies in fresh plasma, blood, and across various pH levels.

Permeability Assays

Permeability Assays

Through PAMPA, Caco-2, and MDCK-MDR1 assays, we evaluate the permeability of drug candidates to predict oral absorption and blood-brain barrier penetration.

Metabolism Studies

Metabolism Studies

Our comprehensive metabolism assessments include metabolic stability in liver microsomes and hepatocytes, Met-ID studies, CYP inhibition and induction profiles, offering deep insights into the metabolic fate of compounds.

Infrastructure and Instrumentation